06 April 2022 | 2 min read

‘Regular Sleep, Healthy Future.’


If you haven’t heard already, prioritizing self-care is the way to improve your life. Self-care can take many forms, from a new mattress or pillow set to face masks and pizza nights to ‘treat yourself’.

Hello, snooze-button lovers! It is your day today aka World Sleep Day 2021. Every year this day is dedicated for sleep-lovers. You know you are one if you’re ready to give up legit anything when it comes to even a little extra time in bed! Sleep may seem like such a normal aspect of life that it might seem silly to even talk about it! It can be one of the most banal, underrated aspects of people’s lives.

If you’re tired on March 19th, it might be because World Sleep Day encourages a mid-day nap right where you are. It is a day for anyone and everyone to take a nap on a blanket at the beach, at the park, in the movie theatre, on a bus, train, or subway or any other public place that may work for you. However, it may not be a good idea to take that nap at your desk during work!

Let the Sleep Guilt Pass! We are programmed to be in work mode 24/7. While this can be great for flexibility, it can lead to a lot of unrecognized stress. We’ve learned to be “online” and available to our clients and our bosses. This is often at the expense of our quality of life and even more often, our sleep. How often have you heard a coworker brag about how little sleep they’ve gotten during the week while working on a project? Don’t be afraid to get nine hours if you need it.

Take a break on World Sleep Day by sleeping in, taking naps or just staying in bed the whole day long! World Sleep Day is an annual, global call to action about the importance of healthy sleep. The year 2021 marks the 14th annual World Sleep Day. The 2021 marks the 14th annual sleep day. The slogan/theme for 14th sleep day is “Regular Sleep, Healthy Future”.

WHAT ARE THE TYPES? There are many, Of Course, things are not simple, as always!

THE POWER NAP! approximately 10 to 20 minutes long and can give a boost of energy to get us through the rest of the day. It also doesn’t leave us drowsy like some longer naps might and will also allow us to fall asleep at a decent time at night.

THE HANGOVER? 30 minutes long, 10 too many, leaving us loopy and wanting just to stay asleep. We will snap out of it and feel much like we had a Power Nap, but it may take a bit of effort before we feel those benefits.

THE BRAINIAC? lasts about 60 minutes and includes the deepest sleep. While we may feel a little grogginess upon waking, much like the Hangover, our ability to recall facts, names, and faces, will be improved. This type of nap may be the best nap after a round of studying or before a big test.

THE CALIFORNIA KING? lasts about 90 minutes, is typically a full cycle of sleep. It will also include REM or a dream stage. This nap avoids the hangover like the power nap does and improves creative thinking and motor memory, but nighttime sleep may become elusive.

This world Sleep Day let’s dig deep into fun facts about sleep to help you catch zzz’s and dream in colour.

1.There are many sleep-specific words you’ve probably never heard.

Somniphobia is the fear of falling asleep. Oneirophobia is the fear of nightmares or dreams. Clinomania is the irresistible urge to stay cozy in bed all day, while dysania is the word for that feeling when you’ve just woken up and really don’t want to get out of bed.

2.Post-lunch sleepiness is real.

Ever feel like you could take a quick snooze in the middle of the day after a filling lunch? Consider it the post-lunch dip. Our bodies naturally feel a dip in alertness at 2:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. Unless you’re able to sleep in to get a full night’s sleep of 7-9 hours, don’t wait until 2:00 a.m. to let your body tell you it’s tired.

3.Plenty of adults nap—and you should consider it, too.

Not everyone left naptime behind in the kindergarten classroom. A short nap, 20-30 minutes, is recommended for short term alertness without feeling too groggy to get back to your day.

4.You Can’t ‘Catch Up’ on Sleep

Think you can sleep 10 hours one night to catch up for a few nights of less than the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep? Think again. A Harvard study showed that sleeping extra to compensate for sleep times decreased reaction times and the ability to focus. That means—practice good sleep hygiene as best you can to show up as your best self every day.

5.When you move to a higher altitude (13,200 feet or more), it’s likely you will experience sleep disruptions for a while.

In fact, higher the altitude, the more significant the sleep disruption. Research suggests that this is caused by lower oxygen levels and changes in your respiration. The good news is that you will probably adjust to the new altitude in a couple.

6.Snoring is a common problem for both men and women. In fact, about 40% of men and 24% of women are habitual snorers. Are you one of them?

Find out if it’s related to a more significant problem – get a home sleep test! If you have a partner that snores, you’re losing an average of one hour of sleep per night and being woken up about 20 times!

7.You grow .3 inches while sleeping! Fascinating, isn’t it?

But the growth is temporary as you shrink back down to normal after you’re awake for a few hours. When you sit or stand, your cartilage discs are squeezed by gravity, like sponges.

8.Some people dream in black and white, Really?

Studies show only 12% of people dream in black and white. Surprisingly, this number was 75% before the evolution of color televisions.

9.The strangers in your dreams aren’t strangers.

You might know some of them personally, but you’ve seen everyone in your dreams Crazy, right? The brain can’t create people, so it uses registered faces to populate your dreams.

10.You can’t sneeze while sleeping.

Humans aren’t prone to sneezing while asleep, and since we aren’t moving to stir up dust particles, the reaction doesn’t occur.

Data around the world! “Think Global”.

1.While watching TV before bed seems to be a (mostly) global habit, people in France generally poo-poo late-night electronic distractions and opt for a good meal with friends or family. In Mexico, they prefer praying or meditating before bed.

2.In Scandinavia, it’s not uncommon for people to leave their babies by themselves to nap outside in strollers – even during the winter. In fact, children often sleep outside during the day, both at daycare and on the sidewalk while the parents are inside a café or restaurant. Many parents believe that the cold air is healthy for children.

3.The Japanese are known for taking a nap at work, known as inemuri. Napping at work in Japan shows an employee’s professional commitment to working hard long hours – the nap is a sign the employee will arrive early and stay later into the night.

4.People in the United States are more likely to sleep with a pet. 1/3 of people in the United Kingdom prefer to shed their pajamasand sleep in their birthday suits.

5.In Mexico, they make their beds in the morning when they rise and many change their sheets more than once a week. The average American family changes their sheets once a month…!

Too technical right? Give your sleep a chance to appreciate and celebrate! take a nap in your cubicles, excuse your boss, there is no specific time for “POWER NAP”!


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